Предмет: Английский язык, автор: pwpwwpwpp

Описание 3 любых стран на английском языке.


Автор ответа: stopakk1416


Germany is one of the most interesting and widely visited countries of Europe. It consists of 16 states, and its capital and largest city is Berlin. Tourists love visiting Germany as there is a great number of attractions in every part of the country.If you want to see the Eiffel Tower and the Champs-Elysees, you should go to France. There are many countries in the world, but non like this one. It is not only the largest country in Europe, but also one of the most interesting places in the world.Ukraine is a sovereign state; its independence was proclaimed in 1991. Ukraine is situated in the east of Europe. The territory of Ukraine is 603700 square kilometres. Ukraine borders on Russia, Belarus, Poland, Moldova, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania. It's washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Azov and has very important ports. Ukraine is larger than France and Great Britain but considerably smaller than Russia. 5% of Ukraine's territory is mountainous; the rest part of the Ukrainian area is flat. Ukraine has the Carpathians and the Crimean Mountains. The Carpathians is the natural mountainous boundary of Ukraine. They are covered with mixed forests of pine, fir, beech and oak trees. There are the thickest forests in Volyn, which are part of the famous Byelovezhskaya Puscha.


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