2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 перевести

2) You should (можно have to) hurry up if you want to catch the train
3) He didn't managed to start the car
4) What time was the train due to arrive?
6) You should be more attentive
10) Robert is due to leave tonight
12) It should be mentioned that if you want to speak English you have to work hard
13) It should be noted that every engineer can inform you on the issue
15) You may go. I'll finish the task (задание) by myself
16) We were due to meet at the station at six p.m.
17) It must be stressed that she had to tell the policeman everything
в некоторых предложениях в задании необязательно употреблять вводные модели "It should/must be stressed/mentioned и т.п.
due to arrive/meet/leave лучше чем have to (had to)/must arrive/leave/meet