Translate into English.
1. Англия ввозит много фруктов. Их доставляют из Франции, Испании, Израиля. 2. Вымой фрукты и положи их в вазу. 3. На Сицилии растут различные цитрусовые фрукты. 4. У рябины очень красивые плоды. 5. Ну что же, теперь он пожинает плоды своих махинаций.
6. Его успех — это плод упорного труда. 7. Абрикос — король фруктов. Это очень полезный фрукт. 8. На третье у нас будут фрукты и мороженое. 9. Для многих людей фрукты очень дорогие, они не могут позволить их себе каждый день. 10. Различные фрукты используются в косметологии. 11. Фрукты полезны, в них много витаминов и минеральных солей. 12. На наших рынках сейчас продается много экзотических фруктов.
1. England imports a lot of fruit. They are delivered from France, Spain, Israel. 2. Wash the fruit and place it in a vase. 3. Various citrus fruits grow in Sicily. 4. Rowan has very beautiful fruits. 5. Well, now he is reaping the fruits of his machinations.
6. His success is the fruit of hard work. 7. Apricot is the king of fruits. This is a very healthy fruit. 8. On the third, we will have fruits and ice cream. 9. For many people, fruits are very expensive, they cannot afford them every day. 10. Various fruits are used in cosmetology. 11. Fruits are useful, they contain a lot of vitamins and mineral salts. 12. Many exotic fruits are now sold in our markets
1. England imports a lot of fruit. They are taken from France, Spain and Israel. 2. Rinse the fruit and put them in a vase. 3. In Sicily there is a variety of citrus fruits. 4. Mountain ash have very beautiful fruit. 5. Well, now he is reaping the fruits of their shenanigans. 6. Its success is the fruit of hard work. 7. Apricot was the King of fruit. This is a very useful fruit. 8. For the third we will have fruit and ice cream. 9. For many people, the fruit is very expensive, they can't afford them every day. 10. various fruits used in cosmetology. 11. Fruits are useful, they have a lot of vitamins and mineral salts. 12. In our markets now sells many exotic fruits.