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Willard Wigan (born in 1957 in England) is the creator of the smallest works of art on Earth! His miniature sculptures include The Titanic on a pinhead, a cat on an eyelash and the six wives of Henry VIII in the eye of a needle. Some art a lot smaller than the full stop at the end of this sentence.
Wigan started making tiny things when he was a child. People made him feel small because he had learning difficulties, so he decided to show them how significant small could be! How does he create his unbelievable micro-sculptures? He slows his breathing, then patiently sculpts or paints between heartbeats, so that his hand stays perfectly still. He spends months carving his tiny creations from materials such as toothpicks, sugar crystals and grains of rice and then paints them with a tiny hair such as an eyelash. So how do visitors to Willard Wigan's exhibitions view his work? Through a microscope, of course!
1) Willard Wigan is an Englishman.
2) He is the creator of the smallest works of art on earth!
3) Wigan started making tiny things when he was a child.
4) People made him feel small because he had learning difficulties, so he decided to show them how significant small could be!
5) Wigan spends months carving his tiny creations from materials such as toothpicks, sugar crystals, grains of rice and others.
(Visitors to Willard Wigan's exhibitions view his works through a microscope!)
1) Уиллард Уиган-англичанин.
2) Он является создателем самых маленьких произведений искусства на земле!
3) Уиган начал делать крошечные вещи, когда был ребенком.
4) Люди заставляли его чувствовать себя маленьким, потому что у него были трудности с обучением, поэтому он решил показать им, насколько значимым может быть маленький!
5) Уиган месяцами вырезает свои крошечные творения из таких материалов, как зубочистки, кристаллы сахара, зерна риса и другие.
(Посетители выставок Уилларда Уигана рассматривают его работы через микроскоп!)
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