помогите пожалуйста написать описание картинки на английском (10 предложений)

I am going to give a talk about this picture. in the foreground, I see my grandmother. She paints a very pretty picture. The grandmother is wearing a pink dress and a pretty pink skirt. In the picture I can see that she is painting lilacs. A dog is lying next to her. She is apparently upset about something.
So near the granny I can see the flowers. In the background, I can see green trees. They go very well with the painting.
Я хочу рассказать об этой картине. на переднем плане я вижу бабушку. Она рисует очень красивую картинку. Бабушка одета в Розовое платье и красивую розовую юбоку. На картине я могу видеть что она рисует сирень. Рядом с ней лежит собачка. Она видимо чем-то расстроена.
так-же рядом с бабушкой находятся цветы посаженные ею давно. На заднем плане я могу видеть зеленые деревья. Они очень хорошо сочетаются с картиной.
This painting depicts a grandmother who describes on canvas all the beauty of nature. On her canvas, she depicts a birch tree, as its branches are tilted in different directions. From a good picture of a grandmother, we can understand that she is an artist, or it is her hobby. Next to her is her faithful friend, this is a dog. We also see that grandmother draws not on a hill or a meadow, but from her garden. Maybe she lives in a village. Her fence looks pretty wobbly and lacks pieces of wood. There are yellow and red flowers in her garden. We can see a clearing behind her site. She is so pure and bright with her colors that you yourself want to be in this picture.