Предмет: Математика, автор: sarsembaevmirat

Бір айнымалысы бар сызықтық теңдеу. Мәндес теңдеулер. Бір айнымалысы бар сызықтық теңдеулерді шешу. 2-сабақ

a мен b-ның қандай мәндерінде ax = bтеңдеуінің түбірі болмайды?

a = 0; b ≠ 0

a ≠ 0; b ≠ 0

a ≠ 0; b = 0

a = 0; b = 0​


Автор ответа: ernurbisengali92


Пошаговое объяснение:


ernurbisengali92: вот немоношка памог
aminaalashybay49: Какой ответ ?
ZvEzDuLkA: 3-тапсырма кім істеді
hih948921: 3-тапсырма –3 < x ≤ 4
hih948921: вот
sboss4903: ооооо ник көрсетіп қойды енді взлом болат ахахха
sboss4903: ойнап айтам
sboss4903: керек емес маған
Автор ответа: azhgalievazhanel


а=0   b=\=0

Пошаговое объяснение:

первый правильный

сама проверила

aminaalashybay49: Спасибо
balgulbatyrbekova: спс
sumbat790: спс
emirhankaliev: 8 тапсырма айтындарш отнш Алла разы болсын
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: mistake24
Установите соответствие между заголовками (A—Н) и текстами (1—7). Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.
A) Three-in-One
B) Peter Rabbit
C) A Mischievous Rabbit
D) The Common Rabbit
E) A Naughty Rabbit
F) Watch the rabbits
G) Overprotective Rabbit
H) A Living Idiom

1. «Mad as a March hare» is a common British English phrase, both now and in Lewis Carroll’s time. He appears in the tea party scene in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. The March Hare always behaves as though it is tea-time because the Hatter supposedly «murdered the time». Sir John Tenniel’s illustration also shows him with straw on his head, a common way to depict madness in Victorian times.

2. We’ve finally found out who has been ravaging our herb garden. Can you imagine? It is a family of bunnies! Just like in Peter Rabbit. We plan to install a night-vision camera to watch them at night. Father says he doesn’t mind. But Mum isn’t very happy. She needs lettuce and carrots for cooking. Do you know anything that could save most of the herb beds from rabbits but still keep them coming?

3. Bugs Bunny is a gray hare who is famous for his carefree personality, a pronounced New York accent, his portrayal as a trickster, and his catch phrase «Eh... What’s up, doc?», usually said while chewing a carrot. His main task is to fool a luckless hunter, Elmer Fudd, who is after ‘wabbits’. Although Bugs Bunny is called upon to outwit many more worthy opponents, Elmer somehow remains Bugs’ classic nemesis.

4. Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail, who were good little bunnies, went down the lane to gather blackberries. But Peter, who was very naughty, ran straight away to Mr. McGregor’s garden, and squeezed under the gate! First he ate some lettuces and some French beans; and then he ate some radishes; and then, feeling rather sick, he went to look for some parsley.

5. Rabbit appears in most Disney Winnie the Pooh cartoons. As an addition to his character, he keeps a garden and gets upset when anyone or anything tries to steal his vegetables. The Disney adaptations also develop his personality further. Rabbit has become a control freak who puts himself in charge of things, orders others around and insists on doing things exactly right, in his way and in the proper order.

6. Roger is a slender, white rabbit with large blue eyes, pink nose, and a tuft of red hair. Actually he takes after various classic cartoon characters; adopting Bugs Bunny’s cartoon rabbit form, Mickey’s gloves and Goofy’s baggy pants. Animator Richard Williams described as the process of creating Roger like an «American flag» with the red overalls, white fur and blue bow tie and American audiences would enjoy him subliminally.

7. The European rabbit is well known for digging networks of burrows, called warrens, where it spends most of its time when not feeding. Rabbits move by hopping, using their long and powerful hind legs. Rabbits are essentially mixed-feeders, both grazing and browsing, but grass is their primary food source. They nevertheless have a diverse diet of grasses, leaves, buds, tree bark, and roots. They will also eat lettuce, cabbage, root vegetables, and grains.
Предмет: История, автор: volw065