Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Hik07

Put the sentences in the dialogue in the correct order.
waiter: Certainly sir, I'll get you some.
guest: Yes, please, I would. … Right, I'll have the
chocolate cheesecake.
waiter: Would you like red wine or pepper sauce
with the steak, sir?
guest: Er … Still. And a little more bread, please.
waiter: Still or sparkling?
water: Are you ready to order?
guest: Yes, please. A half bottle of the Rioja
waiter: Is everything all right with your meal?
guest: With cream. And an espresso. I'll have it
with the cheesecake.
waiter: OK. So that's one påté and one fillet steak
medium rare, no sauce. Would you like some wine with your meal?
Guest: Yes, thanks. It's very good. Could I have
some mineral water?
waiter: Would you like to see the dessert menu?
GUEST: Yes, please. Can I have the and a fillet
steak? Medium rare.
waiter: With cream orice cream? Guest: No, thank you.
waiter: One cheesecake and one espresso. Thank
you, sir.


Автор ответа: starlight42

water: Are you ready to order?

GUEST: Yes, please. Can I have the and a fillet steak? Medium rare.

waiter: Would you like red wine or pepper sauce with the steak, sir?

Guest: No, thank you.

waiter: OK. So that's one påté and one fillet steak

medium rare, no sauce. Would you like some wine with your meal?

guest: Yes, please. A half bottle of the Rioja Reserva.

waiter: Is everything all right with your meal?

Guest: Yes, thanks. It's very good. Could I have some mineral water?

waiter: Still or sparkling?

guest: Er … Still. And a little more bread, please.

waiter: Certainly sir, I'll get you some.

waiter: Would you like to see the dessert menu?

guest: Yes, please, I would. … Right, I'll have the chocolate cheesecake.

waiter: With cream or ice cream?

guest: With cream. And an espresso. I'll have it with the cheesecake.

waiter: One cheesecake and one espresso. Thank you, sir.

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Выпишите на каждый случай по одному примеру,внеся необходимые исправления.

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