Составьте предложения, выбрав начало из первой части и окончание — из второй
His parents were angry because…
The roses died because…
When we arrived at the cinema…
Bob was late for the train…
The electricity was switched off…
The student was happy …
because we hadn’t paid the bill.
the film had already started.
he hadn’t phoned them for several months.
because he had passed all his exams.
because he had forgotten his passport.
I hadn’t watered them for several weeks.
His parents were angry because… he hadn’t phoned them for several months.
The roses died because…I hadn’t watered them for several weeks.
When we arrived at the cinema…the film had already started.
Bob was late for the train…because he had forgotten his passport.
The electricity was switched off…because we hadn’t paid the bill.
The student was happy …because he had passed all his exams.
His parents were angry because he hadn’t phoned them for several months.
The roses died becausе I hadn’t watered them for several weeks.
When we arrived at the cinеmа the film had already started
Bob was late for the train because he had forgotten his passport.
The electricity was switched because we hadn’t paid the bill.
The student was happу :because he had passed all his exams