Тема мир вокруг нас 25 предл на английском
The world around me is huge. It cannot be bypassed in a lifetime. There will not be enough time to know it all. It combines the most diverse: mountains and oceans, deserts and dense forests, hot tropics and icy tundra. The world is beautiful and terrible at the same time, it is gentle and cruel. It has a gentle breeze and a crushing hurricane, a babbling brook and a terrible tsunami. The most amazing thing in the world around us is life. People, animals, birds, fish, small insects and microbes that we cannot even see without a microscope.Where does life come from? What is its essence? Where does it go then? After all, nothing in the world appears out of nowhere and disappears into nowhere. People cannot solve this riddle in any way, although they have been fighting over it for thousands of years.
Everything is needed in the surrounding world, even evil wolves and poisonous snakes. Wolves are forest orderlies, for example. Every grain of sand is important here. Now man, by his actions in relation to nature, upsets the delicate balance in the world.
Only a man of living beings is so intelligent that he can reflect on the structure of the world. Often a person remains dissatisfied with him and rebel against him. Many people believe that the world is unfair because of disease and violence. And the strongest survives in the world, and not always the most worthy. Some people even leave this world willingly, because they are disappointed in it.
To me personally, our world reminds me of a long and interesting journey. The chance to live in peace is a gift, there is no point in giving it up. He needs to be appreciated.