Предмет: Математика, автор: darinamusaeva198

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darinamusaeva198: пж


Автор ответа: ludmilaksenija2005

Пошаговое объяснение:

Х ширина прямоугольника=ширине квадрата



X=5 м - ширина

S1=S-S2=90 5/9-25=65 5/9 м^2


y - длина АF

65 5/9=5×y

5y=65 5/9

y=65 5/9:5

y=590/9×1/5=118/9=13 1/9 м

У участка под капусту: длина=13 1/9 м,ширина 5м

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Sunny20
I. Определите, какие из данных существительных исчисляемые, а какие неисчисляемые. Поставьте исчисляемые существительные в форму множественного числа.
cat, money, box, year, furniture, party, day, traffic, man, juice.

II. Заполните пропуски артиклями а/an или the, где необходимо, или неопределенными местоимениями some/any. Переведите предложения.
1. Would you like ___apple or ___grapes?
2. I'd like ___ chicken sandwich and ___cheese for lunch.
3. I don't eat ___biscuits.
4. Do you have___brothers or sisters?
5. ___people like flying, but other people don't.
6. What's___name of___restaurant we went to last night?
7. She has three children, two girls and___boy. ___girls are ___twins.
8. Is there ___butter on the plate? Yes, there is ___.
9. ___water in that glass is very cold.
10. When___water freezes, it turns into ice.
11. I come to___school by___bus.
12. This morning___bus was late.
13. My favorite subject is___ history, but I'm not very good at ___ maths.

III. Вставьте подходящую форму глагола to be.
1. There___little coffee in my cup.
2. There___a lot of salt in the soup.
3. There___a lot of roses in the garden, but there___few tulips there.

IV. Определите, является ли 's показателем притяжательного падежа существительных или глаголом. Переведите предложения.
1. Bob's a student.
2. Bob's friends live not far from his house.
3. It's very important to know a foreign language.

V. Замените существительные и местоимения в скобках местоимениями в соответствующем падеже.
1. I saw (Tom) yesterday but (Tom) didn't see (I).
2. (The rain) started two hours ago.
3. (The woman) has two children. (The woman) is taking (me children) to the Zoo.
4. (I) invited (she) to the party but (she) couldn't come.
5. (I) like (Martin and Jill). (They) are very nice persons. (I) often go to see (they). (They) son is a charming baby.
6. Don't take this (chair), (it) leg is broken.

VI. Перепишите, письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения.
1. One must keep in mind this rule.
2. Our methods of work are more efficient than the ones used by your team.
3. One must do one's duty.
VII. Напишите данные цифры и дату словами.

1, 12, 2/3, 506, 24 августа 1956 г.

VIII. Определите, какие из данных слов существительные, прилагательные и наречия.
low, lovely, kindly, faculty, bad, hard, today, sunny, independence, independent.

IX. Выберите правильную степень сравнения. Переведите предложения.
1. It's ___ today than it was yesterday.
a) cold b) colder c) the coldest
2. Their house is about three times as___as ours.
a) big b) bigger c) the biggest
3. She is a very good player. She is___player in the team.
a) good b) better c) the best

X. Заполните пропуски предлогами
1. He likes playing football___his sons___weekends.
2. They live___the village ___ the sea.
3. Please, come ___my party ___Saturday.
4. He studies___home___his father.
5. I go___work___bus and I'm___work until 5.30 p.m. everyday.

XI. Найдите правильные и неправильные глаголы: fall, sit, love, laugh, smile, learn, study, discover, confuse, take. Напишите три формы неправильных глаголов.

XII. Определите время и залог сказуемого, переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Houses are built very quickly now.
2. In this street houses are modern and attractive.
3. The doctor has been sent for.
4. The doctor has a lot of patients.
5. I was born in 1970.

ХШ. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму сказуемого в главном и придаточном предложениях - согласование времен.

1. Peter did not want to go to the cinema because he had already seen the film.
2. I said that I would bring my coin collection.
3. I was surprised that she lived in the same house.
Предмет: Математика, автор: solohovam2017