Complete the sentences with at,in,or,on
1.Mobile phones were invented ____ the 20th century 2.Out flight is leaving ___ Wednesday at 9.30___ the evening and arriving ___ 12ocock ___ Thursday. 3. We have an exam ___ Monday morning. 4. In most countries, bank's and offices are closed ___ Christmas day and New year day.
5. I hate driving ___ night getting up early ___ the morning and working ___ weekends. 6. Steve Jobs was born ___ 1955, and hi died 5th October, 2011. 7. ___ Easter we went to Portugal and we're going again ___ the summer ,probably the last two weeks ___ July
1. Mobile phones were invented _in_ the 20th century.
2. Our flight is leaving _on_ Wednesday at 9.30_in_ the evening and arriving _at_ 12 o'clock _on_ Thursday.
3. We have an exam _on_ Monday morning.
4. In most countries, bank's and offices are closed _on_ Christmas day and New year day.
5. I hate driving _at_ night, getting up early _in_ the morning and working _at_ weekends.
6. Steve Jobs was born _in_ 1955, and he died on 5th October 2011.
7. _At_ Easter, we went to Portugal, and we're going again _in_ the summer, probably the last two weeks _in_ July.
1. Мобильные телефоны были изобретены _ в 20 веке.
2. Наш рейс в среду в 9.30 вечера, и самолёт прибывает в 12 часов в четверг.
3. У нас экзамен _ в понедельник утром.
4. В большинстве стран банки и офисы закрыты _ на Рождество и Новый год.
5. Я ненавижу водить _ ночью, рано вставать _ утром и работать _ по выходным.
6. Стив Джобс родился в 1955 году и умер 5 октября 2011 года.
7. _ На Пасху мы поехали в Португалию, и мы снова поедем _ летом, вероятно, на последние две недели _ в июле.