Очень срочно!!! Даю много много балов

Предмет: Английский язык
Категория: СОЧи (с ответами)
Четверть: 2-я
Задание 1 (Listening).
1. A) People can swim throughout the whole year
2. B) Some cities away from the beach will become summer resorts
3. E) People save money on purchasing heavy items of clothing
4. B) Will lead to flooding
5. C) That a lot of cities will also flood along with the one they both live in
6. B) There would be no hinders in the Arctic
Задание 2 (Reading).
1. Generous
2. Environment
3. Donation
4. B) This person refused comforts to be environmentally friendly
5. E) This person wanted to help needy countries
6. A) This person found it more useful to travel rather than attending academy awards
Задание 3 (Writing).
Topic 1.
Hello, Mr. Mayor of our city! We are representatives of the «Helping Hand» charity foundation. Our foundation helps orphanages to children who feel pain and heaviness at heart, once in an orphanage, they do not see their parents and are completely alone there. Therefore, we bring various toys and things that are necessary for orphanages to children’s homes, they need help! And we are very sorry that the children were in such an absurd situation.
We do not just write to you, but ask for your help, Mr. Mayor! We ask you to help our organization. Help us raise a small amount of money to help orphanages, as well as notify all the people that they took part in helping orphanages, were not indifferent to orphanages. Let, at least somehow help them, the children and our foundation will be grateful to those who care! Notify everyone as you can, at least through announcements, newspapers and radio. Help us, we are waiting for your answer! Good luck!
Задание 4 (Speaking).
Card 4 - «Charities and Conflict»
1. They must be partial and kind, and must help their state
2. I think so. In doing so, they help the homeless
3. Naturally, should force. Rich people should not be greedy, they should pay attention to the fact that charity exists in the world
4. Make new friends, gain self-respect from people, and gain experience in your life