Помогите пж даю 100 баллов!!

1)Today, there are 58 sovereign states in which English is recognized as the official language or is the predominant language: including countries such as the USA, India, Pakistan, Canada, etc.
2)English is the most important language today, and French is in the top 5 most important languages along with languages such as Chinese, Hindi, Spanish
3)According to statistics, 98.2% of the permanent population of Russia speaks Russian, the minister noted. In second place, according to him, is English - 4.8% of Russians speak it. The next most common languages are Tatar (3.7% of Russians speak it), German (2%), Ukrainian (1.2%) and Bashkir (1%) languages
4) cookies, candies, fall.
1) I know several English-speaking countries like Australia, Great Britain, United States, New Zealand, etc.
2) English is the most important international language nowadays.
3) English and Ukrainian are the most popular languages in Russia.
4) biscuits=cookies, sweets=candy, autumn=fall
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