помогите пожалуйста

1. I'm really keen ON that new war film. Shall we go later?
2. Not another war film! I WOULD prefer to watch a comedy.
3. I DON'T really fancy a comedy. And this film has your favourite actor!
4. I know, but I can't stand ( - ) violent films.
5. Well, I WOULD rather watch a science fiction than a comedy.
6. Fine. Shall we settle ON Star Trek?
7. I ADORE the original movies, but ...
8. But, you're not a big fan OF remakes. Shall we just go bowling?
9. Yes! I think it will ( - ) be more fun anyway! Let's phone the others!
10. That's a great IDEA! Have you got your mobile ... ?
1. for меняем на on
2. добавляем would
3. добавляем do
4. удаляем for
5. добавляем would
6. with меняем на on
7. am adoring меняем на adore
8. in меняем на of
9. удаляем to
10. agree меняем на idea