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(semi-formal). На тему : I'm ashamed of the big scar on my face.
A person's appearance can attract people, or on the contrary, it can be repulsive and disgusting. Good looks open all doors, the proverb says. Well, that's great. But how about bad looks? How about scars, big spots or awful body deformities?
Who decides: what is attractive or ugly? Who sets these standards of being good-looking or hideous? The answer is simple. Stereotypes ruin our career, personal life and...life in general. Stereotypes that all girls have to be beautiful princesses and boys have to be handsome knights. Watch our cartoons, and you will understand these beauty messages.
I am a victim of such stereotypes. I am a wonderful person, but people never look into my heart, they don't care about my problems, they are never aware of my desires and plans. They look at me, they see my face, and they see my scar, my big scar. The scar annoys me, bothers me, stresses me, but still, it is a part of me. And it makes me feel ashamed. I am not attractive because of it. I am not successful because of it. I've been bullied because of it. I am ashamed of it, I really am.