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Tamgaly-Tas is approx.
120 kilometres north-west of Almaty city, in Kazakhstan.
The area is famous for ancient stone carvings, (1) ___ called petroglyphs.
The rock carvings (2) ___ found by archaeologists in 1957.
The carvings (3) ____ made almost 3,000 years ago by a hunting, nomadic community using stone or metal tools but not all of them date from the same period.
The daily lives and the spiritual world of the people (4)____ pictured: rituals, dances, ornaments, hunting and herding scenes.
The drawings (5) ____ best seen in the afternoon on a sunny day.
From the nature of the drawings, it is believed that the canyon
(6) ____ used as a tribal settlement for nomadic peoples dating from the Bronze Age and later.
Some burial mounds and graves (7) _____ built which indicates the area was also a ritual site.
Unfortunately, many of the stone carvings (8) ___ damaged as the area suffers from shifts in temperature, rock movements and fires in the steppes.
However, the site (8) _____ registered by UNESCO as World Cultural Heritage and great care (10) ____ taken to preserve these outstanding natural and cultural features.
Tamgaly-Tas is approx. 120 kilometres north-west of Almaty city, in Kazakhstan.
The area is famous for ancient stone carvings, (1) which are called petroglyphs. (present simple)
The rock carvings (2) were_ found by archaeologists in 1957. (past simple)
The carvings (3) _were_ made almost 3,000 years ago by a hunting, nomadic community using stone or metal tools but not all of them date from the same period. (past simple)
The daily lives and the spiritual world of the people (4)_are_ pictured: rituals, dances, ornaments, hunting and herding scenes. (present simple)
The drawings (5) _are_ best seen in the afternoon on a sunny day. (present simple)
From the nature of the drawings, it is believed that the canyon
(6) _was_ used as a tribal settlement for nomadic peoples dating from the Bronze Age and later. (past simple)
Some burial mounds and graves (7) _were_ built which indicates the area was also a ritual site. (past simple)
Unfortunately, many of the stone carvings (8) _are_ damaged as the area suffers from shifts in temperature, rock movements and fires in the steppes.
However, the site (8) _is_ registered by UNESCO as World Cultural Heritage and great care (10) _is_ taken to preserve these outstanding natural and cultural features. (present simple)