Помогите написать сочинение на английском на тему "весёлая история из моей жизни", можете просто придумать какую нибудь историю весёлую. 120-180 слов с 4 абзацами, прошу!!!
I'm going to share a classmate's story. Hopefully I'll think of one of mine as I write his.
Med student on afternoon GYN outpatient clinic with eccentric but awesome and well-loved attending.
Patient comes in, yadda-yadda, Pap-smear. Rather generous secretions as the attending removes the speculum. Clumsy attending drops the speculum which, on the way to the floor, also leaves behind some fluid on the attending's dress pants.
Med student thinks attending noticed, so doesn't say anything. Thinks attending is just used to these sort of things, as a GYN.
Attending and student head back to attending's office after they finish up with the patient. Attending, being eccentric and awesome, is saying interesting/useful stuff that the med student wants to hear. He has a way of speaking without any real pauses to butt-in.
Mid-lecture, the attending notices the spot on his pants. ?Thinks it's from lunch. Licks his finger. Rubs the spot.
Licks his finger again. Continues process until spot is removed.
Mortified med student doesn't know what to do. Awkwardly keeps silent. Unsure whether attending knew.