Предмет: Литература, автор: kachurnst

Маршрут Павлуся з твору за сестрою​


Автор ответа: pavelkhokhlov07


на правому березі Самари в 10 «пізніх» милях [74.68 км] від Дніпра, такого села нема

десь у районі села В'язівок Павлоградського району Дніпропетровської області, що знаходиться на правому березі річки Самари в місці впадання в неї річок В'язівок та Бобрівки.

Насправді за легендою Свиридова могила знаходиться в селі Красилівка Бахмацького району, в 15 верстах [16 км] від міста Борзни Чернігівської області

у районі села Перекоп в Криму

село Привільне Первомайського району в Криму

місто Бахчисарай у Криму


Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Gasparyan25
найдите 6 предложений past Simple и 6 Past Perfect
Mr Grams: I want to talk to you, Inin. You are the worst tiger, we have ever had!
Misha: What? Why am I a tiger, sir?
Mr Grams: There are four teams in our school: the Tigers, the Bears, the Sharks and the Foxes. When a new pupil comes to school, he goes into one of the teams. The teams compete. If you do something good, you earn your team points. If you do something bad, you lose your team points. At the end of the year one team wins and gets a cup. It is very important for everybody at school.
Misha: I am sorry, sir, I didn't know about it, sir.
Mr Grams: Then I am telling you: "You are a tiger. I am the head of your team and you have already lost us twenty points."
Misha: Why have I lost all these points, sir?
Mr Grams: You have already been late three times and you've had three detentions.
Misha: When was I late, sir?
Mr Grams: Well, you were late on Monday, 12 October, on Thursday, 15 October and last Friday.
Misha: What should I do now, sir?
Mr Grams: You must earn some points for your team.
Misha: But how, sir?
Mr Grams: There are a lot of activities you can do and earn points. Have you ever done any sports?
Misha: Yes, I have. I've done skiing and skating. I did skiing when I was seven and I did skating when I was four. But I gave up years ago.
Mr Grams: I think you should look at this list of activities and choose something.
Misha: Thank you, sir.
 найдите 6 предложений past Simple и 6 Past Perfect
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