Написать текст про лучшую подругу 20 предложений 7 класс
In the life of every person, in addition to relatives, there must be other close people-friends. It is with friends that we communicate based on common interests or joint Hobbies. I was lucky to meet such a person with whom I became friends so much that I can say with confidence that I have a best friend who will support me in any situation. Anya has been my best friend for several years, and I've known her since first grade. Anna has blonde hair, large blue eyes, is short and very thin. My friend is a very snappy dresser and a good student. Teachers always praise my friend and set her as an example. She is a kind, sympathetic person, always fun and very interesting. Anya is not only a nice girl, she is also a very fair and decent person. I have never doubted her in my life, and I know for sure that my friend is always honest with others and will not let anyone down. In addition, my best friend has a dog that she enjoys working with - walks, washes, goes to exhibitions. When we first came to school, Anya and I did not communicate very closely, but it so happened that we were put on neighboring desks and we began to chat more on various topics. It turned out that we have a lot in common - we are both fond of English and volleyball. So, little by little, we became friends and eventually became best friends. Now I can't imagine my life without Anya - we call each other on the phone every day, and on weekends we go to the movies, cafes or just take a walk when the weather is nice. I am always ready to help Anna, even with business or advice. And I know for a fact that my friend is also willing to do a lot for me. I really hope that we will carry our friendship through the years to come. When we finish school, our paths will not diverge, and even as adults, we will continue to be friends. Perhaps one day our daughters will be just like us walking and chatting on all topics. I love my friend very much and am glad that life has brought me together with such a wonderful person.