Написать эссе по структуре, о пользе и вреде использовании смартфонов (160-190 слов), с примерами и использованием linking words.Собственное мнение, не списывать из Интернета, проверяю на плагиат.Срочно нужна помощь!!!
Nowadays the problem of having a phone is highly discussed. Some people think that phone can be very useful while others believe that smartphones cause nothing but a damage.
Personally, I think that phones have numerous advantages. Usage of such devices can help people get rid of stress, learn new information and communicate with friends. Furthermore, phones help people all over the world to study and work remotely.
Nevertheless, some people can disagree with the fact that phones are good. They can say that more and more people are getting addicted to phones and don't live real life.
Despite my respect for this opinion, I cannot share it. People usually use phones when they are in transport or queue because they have nothing more to do, but people don't use phones at work or school without necessity, so they are not addicted.
In conclusion, I would like to say that phones can help people in different ways and make their lives easier and better.