1 Fill in: humped, illusion, glimpse, mythical, nightmare.
1 We caught a(n)…of a weird-looking creature hiding in the bushes.
2 When we see one picture inside another we experiencing an optical … .
3 Every culture has stories of … creatures.
4 .I had a terrible… last night.
5 Nessie has a … back and a long neck.
3 Form compound adjectives using the words below.
deep well human blond good
1 He is …-known English writer.
2 They say there are some …- sea monsters here.
3 Diana is a very …- looking girl.
4 Her brother is a cute …-haired boy.
5 They watched a horror film about …-like reptile.
4 Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition and particle.
1 I feel ill. I must be coming… with the flu.
2 They came … a secret room in the palace.
3 We came … with a great idea for a party.
4 I was nervous … camping in the forest.
5 She knew … experience not to go there along.
5 Translate the following words from English into Russian.
1 Giant squid 6 Two-legged
2 Giant tentacles 7 Recorded sightings
3 Sharp hooks 8 Violent whirlpool
4 A humped back 9 Vivid imagination
5 A snake-like head 10 Own reflection
1 We caught a glimpse of a weird-looking creature hiding in the bushes.
2 When we see one picture inside another we experiencing an optical illusion.
3 Every culture has stories of mythical creatures.
4 .I had a terrible nightmare last night.
5 Nessie has a humped back and a long neck.
1 He is well-known English writer.
2 They say there are some deep- sea monsters here.
3 Diana is a very good- looking girl.
4 Her brother is a cute blond-haired boy.
5 They watched a horror film about human-like reptile.
1 I feel ill. I must be coming down with the flu.
2 They came across a secret room in the palace.
3 We came up with a great idea for a party.
4 I was nervous about camping in the forest.
5 She knew from experience not to go there along.
5 Translate the following words from English into Russian.
1 Гигантский осьминог 6 Двуногий
2 Гигантские щупальца 7 Заснятые наблюдения
3 Острые крючья 8 Сильнейший водоворот
4 Сгорбленная спина 9 Красочное воображение
5 Змеевидная голова 10 Собственное отражение