-Maria! At last! Where were you?
-You’ll never guess!
-Well, what happened?
-I met a famous athlete when I was shopping around.
-He’s famous for took first place in the last competition.
-That’s amazing!
-Nadia! At least! Why are you so so woweful?
-You’ll never guess! I lost my mom and I had to go home on my own!
-Oh, no! Poor you! How are you feel?
-Everything is okay. Next time be more careful.
-That’s good!
Не стала исправлять смысловые и грамматические ошибки, так как не знаю, нужно-ли Вам это для проверки или для того, что бы переписать.
- Maria! At last! Where were you?
- You'll never guess!
- Well, what happened?
- I met a famous athlete when I was shopping around
- Really?
- He's famous for taking first place in the last competition
- That's amazing!
- Nadia! At least! Why are you so sorrowful?
- You'll never guess! I lost my mom and I had to go home on my own!
- Oh, no! Poor you! How are you feeling now?
- Everything is okay. Next time be more careful.
- That's good!