Предмет: Английский язык, автор: 11052006egor

ПОМОГИТЕ, СРОЧНО поставить в инговую форму или инфинитив!!!
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct -ing or infinitive form. 1 Jeremy claims to have tried (try) BASE jumping in the past, but I know that’s not true. 2 What’s the use of .................................... (buy) a mountain bike when you never go cycling? 3 There may ............................................... (be) a time when alligators were nearly extinct but now their numbers are thriving. 4 ................................. (be) a champion archer in his youth, Mr Smith had some valuable insight into the sport. 5 The tracks on the ground appeared to .............. ......................................... (make) by alligators. 6 Your equipment must ........................... (check) carefully before you go scuba diving. 7 The idea of chocolate-covered bugs for dinner might .................................. (sound) disgusting to many, but I wouldn’t mind ........................... (try) some! 8 Sarah doesn’t appreciate .................................. (call) a bad athlete by her team members. 9 You had better .................................................. (not/attempt) paragliding if you’re afraid of heights. 10 Are you still up? I though you would ................ ............................. (sleep) at this time of night. 11 Marianne seems ........................................ (cry) for the last hour. What’s wrong with her? 12 With all the preparations .................................. (complete) three hours before the party started, they had plenty of time to


Автор ответа: MaryFairy211

1 Jeremy claims to have tried (try) BASE jumping in the past, but I know that’s not true. 2 What’s the use of buying (buy) a mountain bike when you never go cycling? 3 There may have been (be) a time when alligators were nearly extinct but now their numbers are thriving. 4 Having being (be) a champion archer in his youth, Mr Smith had some valuable insight into the sport. 5 The tracks on the ground appeared to be made (make) by alligators. 6 Your equipment must be checked (check) carefully before you go scuba diving. 7 The idea of chocolate-covered bugs for dinner might sound (sound) disgusting to many, but I wouldn’t mind trying (try) some! 8 Sarah doesn’t appreciate being called (call) a bad athlete by her team members. 9 You had better not attempt (not/attempt) paragliding if you’re afraid of heights. 10 Are you still up? I thought you would be sleeping (sleep) at this time of night. 11 Marianne seems to have been crying (cry) for the last hour. What’s wrong with her? 12 With all the preparations having been completed (complete) three hours before the party started, they had plenty of time to...

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Предмет: Русский язык, автор: edgarmartirosy
Письмо одежда устной речи.Оно передает "изображает" устную речь.Звук произносят и слышат,букву пишут и читают.Прочесть букву- значит произнести звук,который буква обозначает.(Звук произносится,а буква - читается.)
Букву и звук путать нельзя.А часто путают;притом всегда страдает звук:его называют буквой,сказывается преклонение перед письменной речью.Говорят "Слушая Яхонтова,я наслаждаюсь каждым словом,каждой буквой".Как будто,выступая на сцене,он писал,а не произносил стихи!
Буква это фигурная линия,рисунок (недаром многие художники прославились как мастера рисованного шрифта).Рисунок произнести нельзя.
Путаница между звуком и буквой не безобидна.....
Неразличение звуков и букв мешает понять строение языка.
1.Озаглавьте текст.
2.Тема текста.
3.Основная мысль текста.
4.Стиль текста.
5.Расставьте недостающие знаки препинания
6.Выпишите из текста по три слова в которых:
а)все согласные звуки -твердые;
б)все согласные звуки -мягкие.
7.Выпишите из текста однокоренные слова к приведенным словам :письмо,рисунок,читают.
8.Найдите в тексте глаголы и выделите в них окончания.
ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ОЧЕНЬ ПРОШУ ПОМОЩИ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Предмет: Алгебра, автор: PUFE2778