Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Аноним

Запиши существительные в единственном числе.укажи род.(Петухи,радости,кровати,полотенца,праздники,кроватки,одеяла,вьюги,яблоки,крокодилы)Выдели имена существительные,которые обозначают одушевленные предметы.

Nyashnaya1Lisa: Петух( м.р.) , радость(ж.р.), кровать(Ж.р), полотенце (ср.р.), праздник( м.р.), кроватка(ж.р.), одеяло(ср.р.) , вьюга( ж.р.), яблоко(ср.р.) крокодил(м.р.)
Nyashnaya1Lisa: одушевлённые предметы: петух,кровать,полотенце,кроватка,одеяло,яблоко,крокодил) Неодушевлённые предметы называются абстрактными))
Nyashnaya1Lisa: ой нето извините
Nyashnaya1Lisa: тонда только петух и крокодил)))


Автор ответа: меленки
Петух(м.р)одушевлённый ,радость(ж.р),кровать(ж.р),полотенце(ср.р),праздник(ср.р),кроватка(ж.р),одеяло(м.р),вьюга(ж.р),яблоко(ср.р),крокодил(м.р).одушевлённый
Автор ответа: Sanchez555
Петух(одуш; м.р), радость (неодуш; ж.р), кровать (неодуш; ж.р), полотенце (неодуш; ср.р), праздник (неодуш; м.р), кроватка (неодуш; ж.р), одеяло (неодуш; ср.р), вьюга (неодуш; ж.р), яблоко (неодуш; ср.р)"крокодил(одуш; м.р)
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: aliiiiiiiiina
Помогите пожалуйста,нужен перевод !CLASSIFICATION OF THE MENTALLY RETARDED

In the many ways of classifying mental defectives, one of the most useful, for psychological and administrative purposes, is by the severity of grade of the defect.
Three main grades are distinguished, namely, imbeciles and feeble-minded persons. Roughly speaking, one can say that idiots are so grossly subnormal in intelligence that they cannot learn to protect themselves from common physical dan¬gers. They do not learn to speak more than a few words at most.
Imbeciles learn to avoid common physical dangers, and can usually carry on a simple conversation, but they do not have the wit to learn to read and write, and as adults they can only lead a sheltered existence. In imbeciles and idiots the damage to the central nervous system is severe.
Idiots and imbeciles form the two great classes of what is often called "lower grade" mental defect. There is considerable agreement in all countries as to how these two terms shall be used, and because of the gravity of the disabilities from which idiots and imbeciles suffer diagnosis is relatively easy in the great majority of cases. Much more uncertainty exists in regard to what are called "high grade" mental defectives, morons, or feeble-minded persons. Both the terminology and the definition of this category are confusing. In Great Britain, the "slow learning" children are often called feeble-minded.
In America the term feeble-mindedness if a synonym for mental-deficiency. And those who are called feeble-minded in England are called morons in the United States.
The term feeble-minded has traditionally been applied to adults who are above imbecile grade in intelligence and attainment, but who are regarded as mentally deficient be¬cause of gross social incompetence. So the term feeble-minded is now applied only to socially incompetent persons who are also grossly subnormal in intelligence.
In most feeble-minded persons the damage of the central nervous system is either not severe or is non-existent, and the main defects, which are behavioral, are in many cases due more to environmental factors impairing the efficiency of a vulnerable organism, than to physiological causes in them¬selves.
Mental deficiency is to be distinguished from mental ill¬ness.
a) Mentally ill patients are 1) those who need medical and social services in the community or in hospital and who are not at present subject to compulsory powers (they are many) and 2) those who are at present subject to compulsory ad¬mission to hospital or community care, in certain circumstances, as "Persons of unsound mind." (they are few).
b) Psychopathic patients, or patients with psychopathic personality are those who may be called feeble-minded psycho paths.

Предмет: Физика, автор: alis201003ow2a7v