Нужно завершить диалог(вместо многоточий поставить слова):
A.Where are we meeting?
B.We`re meeting in the classroom.
A.What time ... ?
B.The bus is leaving at quarter to eleven.
A.Are we having lunch on the bus?
B.No,we ... lunch at the theatre.
A.When ... London?
B.We`re leaving London at five.
A.When ... back at school?
B.We`re arriving back at about half past seven.
A.Where are we meeting?
B.We`re meeting in the classroom.
A.What time is the bus leaving ?
B.The bus is leaving at quarter to eleven.
A.Are we having lunch on the bus?
B.No,we aren*t. lunch is at the theatre.
A.When are you leaving London?
B.We`re leaving London at five.
A.When are you arriving back at school?
B.We`re arriving back at about half past seven.
...is bus leaving...
...are having...
...are you leaving...
...are you arriving...