письменно описать себя, используя слова из таблицы (используйте выражения I'm...,my face is...,I have... и т.д.) помогите пожалуйста!!!!!
I have dark hair and keen brown eyes. I like to wear my hair long.My hair is straight ( я предпологаю у тебя прямые волосы , если кудрявые напиши curly) and quite thick. I like to style it in different ways. My favourite hair styles are trendy ponytails or a cute bun. Sometimes I plait my hair or just leave it loose.
I have an (тут напиши овальное , или тд.) face. I have a neat nose and thin lips.(тут опиши какие у тебя нос и губы) I hardly apply any make-up. I think that healthy and good-looking skin is what makes a girl attractive.
I am slim and slender. My height is (твой рост) cm. I like wearing different clothes. I often wear trousers or jeans with a top or a pullover. I put on a skirt or a dress for some special occasions. I like to wear heels. In my everyday life I wear stylish medium-heeled shoes.