Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аноним

and answer the questions.
wat Open Eurasia?
who can take part in this contest 6) Who was the first winner of the Contest?
when this content start?
potwiers, artists and film directors from the Eurasia region and all
over the world. Many writers, poets, translators and artists take part in the
competition to become a winner
with Hertfordshire Press" publishing house.s
performed the
4) Where do the Contest Festivals take place?
5) Why do the authors want to participate in
this contest?
7) Who are the other winners from Uzbekistan?
Open Eurasia 2019 Contest Announced!
Open Eurasia is an international creative competition, which brings
en creative people from all over the world. The prizes are presented
international contest includes a festival and forum. It invites creative
and Stockholm
Contest Open Eurasia has been held since 2012. Contest is organized
The Festival is held in different places. For example, in 2018, the festival
was held in Thailand, and before it took place in Bishkek, London, Almaty
The winners can publish their books in London. Thanks to the prizes,
he authors can show their books in the Open Book Forum Eurasian &
Uterature Festival and in other places in Europe and Asia!
One of the finalists of the Contest in 2019 was a historical novel by
urbek author Shahodat Ulug. She has introduced her novel "Jayhun
Epkanlari" ("Jayhun Breath"). Galina Dolgaya was the first who won the first
prise in the history of the Contest. She lives in Tashkent. She has published
a number of novels and poems. Her novel "The Gods of the Middle World"
won the first prize at the Contest 2012 Literature Festival and it is her first
work in English


Автор ответа: galina572319


Read and answer the questions.

1) What is Open Eurasia?

Open Eurasia is an international creative competition, which brings creative    people from all over the world.

2) Who can take part in this contest?

Writers, poets, translators and artists from different countries can take part in this contest to become a winner.

3) When did this Contest Festival start?

The Contest Festival started in 2012.

4) Where do the Contest Festivals take place?

The Festivals are held in different places. For example, in 2018, the festival

was held in Thailand, and before it took place in Bishkek, London, Almaty and Stockholm.

5) Why do the authors want to participate in this contest?

The winners can publish their books in London. Thanks to the prizes,

the authors can show their books in the Open Book Forum Eurasian &

Literature Festival, and in other places in Europe and Asia!

6) Who was the first winner of the Contest?

Galina Dolgaya was the first who won the first prise in the history of the Contest. She lives in Tashkent. She has published a number of novels and poems.

7) Who are the other winners from Uzbekistan?

One of the finalists of the Contest in 2019 was a historical novel by

Uzbek author Shahodat Ulug. She has introduced her novel "Jayhun

Epkanlari" ("Jayhun Breath").

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