Предмет: Биология, автор: Аноним

составте сказку о клетке 5-7 предложений пжпжп за полчаса


Автор ответа: Elenium


Жила-была грустная одинокая клетка. Не было у неё друзей. А ей очень хотелось с кем-нибудь подружиться. В один прекрасный день клетка решила, что будет дружить сама с собой. Поднатужилась и создала свою вторую копию. Весело им было вдвоём, но недолго. Вскоре им снова стало скучно. Тогда они обе поднатужились и разделились ещё раз. Их стало четверо. "Ага!", - смекнула клетка, - "Теперь я каждый раз смогу сама создавать себе новых друзей!". С тех пор, клетки активно делятся и никогда не скучают

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Ребят, проверьте пожалуйста. Правильно составил переводчик или нет???
Russian doctor physician, scientist, founder of the physiological direction in clinical medicine, public figure Sergey Botkin was born in Moscow to a merchant family on September 17 (September 5 st. St.) In 1832.
He was 11 th child in the family, was born of the second marriage of his father and was brought up under the supervision and the influence of his brother Basil. At an early age he was distinguished by outstanding ability and curiosity. The house Botkins frequented advanced people of the time, among them Alexander Herzen, Nikolai Stankevich, Vissarion Belinsky, Timofey Granovsky, Paul Pikulin. Their ideas had a great influence in shaping the worldview Botkin.
Up to 15 years of age Botkin was brought home in 1847, he entered the private boarding Ennesa, where he studied for three years. In the hostel, he was considered one of the best students.
In August 1850 Botkin became a medical student at Moscow University, graduating in 1855. Botkin only from its course is not passed the exam for the title of doctor, and for a doctorate.
Botkin died of heart disease on December 24 (December 12 st. St.) 1889 in Menton (France) and was buried in St. Petersburg.
In two marriages had been born 12 children. Two sons, Sergei and Eugene inherited his father's profession. After the death of his son Eugene Botkin Life became a physician at the court. Eugene Botkin was shot along with the royal family in 1918.
Предмет: Геометрия, автор: yuliahka03