Предмет: Українська мова, автор: daaasha49

дібрати фразеологізм-синонім до - як рак свисне​


Автор ответа: alenkawwwww


як (коли) на долоні волосся виросте; швидше на долоні волосся виросте; (ніколи не мати) не бачити як (мов) свого носа чого; не бачити як (мов) своїх вух чого

Автор ответа: Аноним

1) Як п’явка крикне;

2) Як корова заспіває;

3) Після дощику в четвер;

4) Як виросте гарбуз на вербi.


Бажаю успiхiв тобi у навчаннi)))))))))))))))))))))))))

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Zarangez
помогите прошу вас
Exercise 8. Insert the Present Perfect or
Past Indefinite.
1. You __ never __ me why you're
called Tony when your name is James,
(to tell) (Galsworthy)2. 1 __ her name in
the papers rather often of late, (to see)
(Maugham)3. "The rain __, carino,"
Montanelli said after sunset. "Come out;
I want to have a talk with you." (to stop)
(Voynich)4. " __ you __ a job?" "There
are none." (to find) (Galsworthy)5. " __
you __ all the necessary preparations
incident to Miss Sedley's departure, Miss
Jemima?" asked Miss Pinkerton. (to
complete) (Thackeray)6. His father __
just a week ago to-day, (to die)
(Galsworthy) 7. I know where you the
morning, (to spend) (Austen)8. Gh! You
__. someone with you. Introduce me. (to
bring) (Shaw)9. Barbara! You __ the
education of a lady. Please, let your
father see that and don't talk like a
street girl, (to have) (Shaw)10. ""Let's
go," said Abra- niovici; "I __ my
appetite." (to lose) (Heym)11. "Oh — oh
—you are Mary Gerrard?... You __ I — I
wouldn't have recognized you." (to
change) (Christie)12. "Where's the
paper?" asked Edward. «I __ the leading
article yet." (to read — negative)
(Maugham)13. Montanelli __ awake the
whole night through, (to lie) (Voynich)
14. Mr. Worthing, I suppose, __ from
London yet? (to return — negative)
(Wilde)15. It's the most tasteless,
repulsive idea I __ ever __ of (to hear).
(Murdoch and Priestley) 16. Mother, I __
just __ to him. (to write) (Wilde)17. My
hands are all wet with these roses.
Aren't they lovely? They __ up from
Selley this morning. (to come)
(Wilde)18. Young Mako __ a match, __
his pipe, and __ them slowly, (to strike,
to light, to approach) (Abrahams) 19. In
fact I __ just __ a telegram to say that my
poor friend Bunbury is very ill again,
(to have) (Wilde)20. You __ even __ at
that book I got you on the war in the
Pacific, (to look — negative).
(Murdoch)21. When __ you first __ the
co-respondent...? (to see)
(Galsworthy)22. We __ in silence for a
few minutes. He __ at last, (to sit, to
speak) (Dickens)23. "I __ so little
experience yet," she said. "I only __
school yesterday, you see." (to have, to
leave) (Beresford) 24. "I __ surely __ very
long," returned Florence. "When __ I __
here? Yesterday?" (to sleep, to come)
(Dickens)25. I __ Ann at her father's
house twenty odd years ago and __ her
ever since, (to meet, to know) (Stone)