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According to their conductivity all materials are divided into conductors,
insulators and semiconductors. Conductors allow electricity to pass through
them; insulators do not.
Conductors are materials having a very high conductivity. A conductor owes its
conducting powers to the presence of free electrons which have broken away
from their atoms. The most common of them are metals (copper, aluminium,
steel, and others), carbon and electrolytes. Their coefficient of resistance is
different. Copper, for example, has a positive coefficient while carbon has a
negative coefficient of resistance.
According to their resistivity, conductors are divided into two groups; the first
includes materials with low resistivity; copper, aluminium and others. These
metals are used to produce wire conductors due to their high mechanical
strength. The second group includes materials with high resistivity: one of these is
nichrome. Due to its good heat resistance, nichrome is used to produce heaters.
Carbon is commonly used to produce electrodes and brushes for electric
3.Вопросы по тексту:
1. Into what groups are materials divided?
2. What do conductors do?
3. What materials are common conductors?
4. Are their coefficients of resistance different?
5. What metals have high mechanical strength?
6. What coefficient of resistance has carbon?
7. What materials are commonly used to produce wire conductors (brushes,
4.Переведите словосочетания:
a) wire strength; semiconducting material; air insulator- carbon brushes;
b) changing strength — changed resistance; insulating materials — insulated
conductors; heated brushes — heating sources.
c) common wire strength; highly conductive copper wire; commonly produced
wire brush; parallely connected circuit elements; commonly produced heaters.
d) any value of resistivity; rather low melting point.
5.Используйте в ответах: “certainly”, “I suppose”, “I don't know”.
1. Is bronze used to produce conductors?
2. Has copper a positive coefficient of resistance?
3. Have metals (steel, copper, iron) good mechanical strength?
6.Test. Choose the correct variant:
1. All materials are divided into ...
a) conductors and semiconductors;
b) conductors, insulators and semiconductors.
2. Copper has ...
a)high mechanical strength;
b)low mechanical strength.
3. Carbon has ...
a)a positive coefficient of resistance;
b)a negative coefficient of resistance.
4. Copper is commonly used to produce ...
7.Используйте английские слова вместо русских.
c) Any circuit (оказывает) resistance to the flow of current.
d) Resistance (зависит от) the temperature of the conductor.
e) Conductors are divided into groups (в зависимости от) their resistivity.
3. Вопросы к тексту
1. conductors, insulators and semiconductors
2. conducting powers to the presence of free electrons which have broken away from their atoms
3. the most common of them are metals (copper, aluminium, steel, and others), carbon and electrolytes
4. their coefficient of resistance is different
5. includes materials with high resistivity
6. nichrome is used to produce heaters
7. -
4. Переведите словосочетания
а) прочность проволоки; полупроводниковый материал; воздушный изолятор - угольные щетки;
б) изменение силы - изменение сопротивления; изоляционные материалы - изолированные проводники; щетки с подогревом - источники тепла.
в) общая прочность проволоки; высокопроводящий медный провод; обычно производится
в) общая прочность проволоки; высокопроводящий медный провод; обычно производится металличесая щетка; параллельно соединенные элементы схемы; обычно производимые обогреватели.
г) любое значение удельного сопротивления; довольно низкая температура плавления.
5. Используйте в ответах: ...
1. I don't know
2. Certainly
3. I don't know
6. Тест
1. b)
2. a)
3. b)
4. b)
7. Используйте английские слова вместо русских
c) renders
c) rendersd) depends on
c) rendersd) depends one) depending on the