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1)has got
2)have got
3)haven’t got
4)has got
5)has got
6)haven’t got
7)haven’t got
8)has got
9)has got
10)has got
11)haven’t got
12)has got
13)haven’t got
14)have got
15)has got
16)have got
17)hasn’t got
18)has got
19)have got
20)haven’t got
He\she\it ----has
you\we\they -----have
1. He has got a black car
2.You have got two pens
3.They haven`t got a ball
4.My dog has got a curly tail
5.Bilge has got very beautiful house
6.My grandparents have got two gardens (если там галочка)
My grandparents haven`t got two gardens (если там крестик)
7.We haven`t got a monkey
8.Our cousin has got a funny doll
9.My cat has got green eyes
10.She has got two rulers
11.I haven`t got two brothers
12.My aunt has got fair straight hair
13.You haven`t got a camera
14.They have got brown horses
15.Mert has got an old bike
16.My friends have got a big classroom
17.My uncle hasn`t got glasses
18.Montana has got beautiful clothes
19.We have got twenty yellow birds
20.I haven`t got a flag