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Автор ответа: amanakun
Although it is strange for a girl, but I am a fierce football fan. Now it is difficult to say why I had such a passion. Maybe because as a child my friends and I loved to drive the ball in the yard, or because my dad didn't miss a single football game that was televised, and I enjoyed spending time with him. It was also important that most of my acquaintances were interested in this sport and often discussed events related to it. A person who does not have such information, just fell out of the circle of communication.
Be that as it may, I know most of the world's football clubs and their most famous players.
Going to a football match is a real holiday for me. My friends and I always take tickets to sit next to each other. My dad, and sometimes someone else's, always goes with us: he also wants to enjoy the "live" game, and in addition, he takes care of us so that we don't get lost in the crowd of thousands of spectators. Although the latter is superfluous, we are already quite independent.
But the seats are taken, the fans are equipped with everything they need: snacks, drinks, flags and pipes. The game begins. With each passing minute the tension increases. Spectators support the players by shouting, whistling, chanting. Thousands of eyes watch the ball intently, and the stadium holds its breath when it seems that it is about to hit the goal.
Well, finally, the long-awaited goal! The stands literally explode with overflowing emotions. Thanks to this, residents of houses located near the stadium can unmistakably recognize the progress of the match, even if they do not have a TV.
In the break between halves, we warm up a bit and discuss the situation. And then - another 45 minutes of exciting spectacle. Unfortunately, no more goals were scored, but still our team won, and the match did not end with a score.
Slightly hoarse, but satisfied, we go to someone's home - to celebrate the victory and share impressions.
I am sincerely glad that football, more precisely, the passion for this game, brings us closer and closer, strengthens friendly relations.
Автор ответа: vb74676

Мой любимый вид спорта - верховая езда. Для занятия этим видом спотра нужно любить животных ,и чтобы они тебя любили . Ведь если отношения у наездника и лошади не сложатся ,то в самый нужный момент лощадь не поскачет или того хуже сбросит наездника с себя . Верховая езда очень опасный спорт ведь при падении с лошади можно получить серьёзные травмы , но не смотря ни на что я буду любить лошадей и этот вид спорта . Случалось ли мне падать с лошали ? Да и не раз , но чем чаще я падаю, тем силнее я хочу подчинить себе пылкий нрав своего коня . Лошади как и люди бывают спокойные и буйные , добрые и агрессивные , но даже самая непокорная лошадь будет слушаться своего хозяина . Для победы надо быть единым целым со своим конём !

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