Предмет: Қазақ тiлi, автор: kaytlenn

Дәрілік өсімдіктер. Повторение

Тақырыпқа сай жина.

Қазақстанның емдік шөптері

Дұрыс жауап саны: 4

Шымкент фармацевтика зауыты өнімдері Еуроодақ стандартымен шығарылады.

Алоэ шырыны иммунитетті нығайтып, бактерияға қарсы күресетінін бәріміз білеміз.

Өз өлкемізде дәрілік өсімдіктер өндірісін дамыту қажет

Ежелден жусанды халық емшілері ішек құрты ауруын емдеуге қолданған.

Итмұрын жемісінің құрамындағы емдік заттардың адам ағзасы үшін пайдасы зор.

Tүймедақ гүлдері тыныс жолдарының ауруына бірден-бір дауа.

Адам өсімдіктің тағамдық қана емес, шипалық қасиетіне де көп көңіл бөлген.

помогите плиз​

DIAS656: Иииииииииииуууууу


Автор ответа: ainursikonkz






3333333331333333: правильно????
miradyusekova: правильно, спасибо
nuriddinovafotima: спс
Sultanbeksaske: ainursikonkz
254 ответов
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Niccherip5 и 15 других пользователей посчитали ответ полезным!

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3333333331333333 avatar

правильно, спасибо
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Стратотанкер

50 б. 10 кл. Помогите, пожалуйста!

1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1) Living in a foreign country can be very difficult. In contrast/ Furthermore / Though one can often feel lonely and homesick.
2) Monkeys are curious in addition to/besides/but being intelligent.
3) Neither/Although/Both cars and motorcycles aren’t allowed in this park.
4) Studying abroad can be a very valuable experience. However/As a result/Also it can give you more opportunities in the future.
5) The best way to keep fit is working out in a gym as well as/but also/besides of following a healthy diet.
6) He’s very polite also/in addition to/but also being honest.
7) Dogs are friendly, and loyal either/as well/however.
8) Either/ Both/ Neither cows or/and/nor sheep eat meat.
9) Cats are both/not only/neither independent nor/or/but also amusing.
10) Tigers aren’t domesticated and lions aren’t, both/either/also.
2. Выберите вводное слово (вводную конструкцию), которое бы правильно соединило предложения.
1) It’s a well-known fact that recycling helps the environment. Some people ignore it. (moreover/although/also)
2) Working for a charity can be extremely rewarding. Very few people decide to volunteer. (furthermore/yet/consequently)
3) Animals which are kept in zoos are well cared for and protected. They are forced to live in unnatural surroundings. (on the other hand/what is more/as a result)
4) Tom is very knowledgeable. But he is young. (also/although/as)
5) She is against animal testing. Her sister isn’t. (whereas/furthermore/in case)
6) Wild animals are still killed for their skin. Hunting them is illegal. (on the other hand/moreover/despite)
7) The rain forests need to be protected. They are still being cut down. (In addition/Even though/As a result)
8) Monkeys are wild animals. They are easily trained. (but/besides/therefore)
9) Efforts have been made to protect animal habitats. They are still being destroyed. (as/in spite of/because)
10) The factory was fined. It’s still releasing toxic fumes into the air. (nevertheless/on account of/in addition to)
3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1) New laws have been introduced to stop factories polluting the atmosphere. Pollution is damaging our environment. (since/so/although)
2) The ozone layer is getting thinner. More and more people are getting skin cancer. (in spite of/owing to/such…that)
3) The climate is changing. The Sahara Desert is spreading. (besides/whereas/on account of)
4) Industrial waste is polluting our seas. Fish are dying. (therefore/although/but also)
5) Many cosmetic companies have stopped testing their products on animals. There has been pressure from animal rights groups. (provided/due to/however)
6) Traffic in the city centre is awful during rush hour. Most people use private transport. (furthermore/as/firstly)
7) Many young people decide to stay in youth hostels when travelling. It’s cheaper that staying in hotels. (on the other hand/as well as/because)
8) People in the neighborhood are complaining. The traffic in the area is terrible. (as well as/although/due to the fact that)
9) The voyage was cancelled. The weather was bad. (both/because/despite)
10) There were no buses running. There was a strike. (moreover/on account of/but)