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In the room where Mr Small. Dr Foam and Mrs Bulmer were talking to the children, there were some really old people. Mr Small went up to one of them. He said he saw that he was a very old man.
The old man replied he was 90.
Mr Small asked if the old man could  give the children there some advice about a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
The old man said to follow his example. Not to smoke,not to drink, not to eat too much sugar or fat and drink lots of water.
At that moment Dr Foam found another old man who looked older than the first one. He was sitting in a wheelchair, but his eyes were merry and bright.
 Dr Foam asked how old he was.
The man replied that he was ninety-five.
Doctor Foam asked if the old man could tell them why he had lived so long.
He answered that it was easy. He did dexercises, and he didn't smoke or drink.  He spent a lot of time in the open air and he was a vegetarian. Just then Mrs Bulmer decided to join in the conversation. She saw a very, very old man in the corner of the room. He had no teeth or hair and he couldn't see or hear very well, so she had to come very close to him. The children followed her.
 She shouted if she might ask him a couple of questions. 
 The old man whispered that she could.
Mrs Bulmer asked why he had lived so long.
The man replied that he didn't know.
 Mrs Bulmer continued and asked him to tell them about his lifestyle .
He answered that he smoked thirty cigarettes a day and drank a bottle of whisky every day. He also had two bottles of beer. He never ate vegetables or fruit and he lived on chocolate and cakes.
Mr Bulmer exclaimed how old he was.
The "old" man replied that he was forty.


Автор ответа: Solnishko24
In the room where Mr Small. Dr Foam and Mrs Bulmer were talking to the children, there were some really old people. Mr Small went up to one of them. He said he saw that he was a very old man.
The old man replied he was 90.
Mr Small asked if the old man could  give the children there some advice about a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
The old man said to follow his example. Not to smoke,not to drink, not to eat too much sugar or fat and drink lots of water.
At that moment Dr Foam found another old man who looked older than the first one. He was sitting in a wheelchair, but his eyes were merry and bright.
 Dr Foam asked how old he was.
The man replied that he was ninety-five.
Doctor Foam asked if the old man could tell them why he had lived so long.
He answered that it was easy. He did dexercises, and he didn't smoke or drink.  He spent a lot of time in the open air and he was a vegetarian. Just then Mrs Bulmer decided to join in the conversation. She saw a very, very old man in the corner of the room. He had no teeth or hair and he couldn't see or hear very well, so she had to come very close to him. The children followed her.
 She shouted if she might ask him a couple of questions. 
 The old man whispered that she could.
Mrs Bulmer asked why he had lived so long.
The man replied that he didn't know.
 Mrs Bulmer continued and asked him to tell them about his lifestyle .
He answered that he smoked thirty cigarettes a day and drank a bottle of whisky every day. He also had two bottles of beer. He never ate vegetables or fruit and he lived on chocolate and cakes.
Mr Bulmer exclaimed how old he was.
The "old" man replied that he was forty.

Solnishko24: здесь почти всё главное)
Сашулик1999: спасибо*
Solnishko24: не за что сделаешь мой ответ лучшим?
Solnishko24: прошууу(
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Предмет: Українська література, автор: gnomik1121
9. Установіть відповідність між реченнями та розділовими знаками, пропущеними у них.
1. Кома;
2. двокрапка;
3. лапки;
4. тире.

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Прочитайте текст (окремі розділові знаки пропущено). Виконайте завдання 10-11 до нього
(1) На току, біля клуні, безугавно гупають ціпи.
(2) Помітивши малого сина з житнім вінком на шиї, батько усміхається, кидає сусідові Ти поглянь, Олексію, до чого додумався хлопець
(3) А що, буде хлібороб із сина, – каже дядько. (4) І вони знову налягають на ціпи. (5) А Василько сідає на купу соломи щойно вимолоченого жита, поринає в неї і засинає. (6) Прокинувся від того, що батько обережно взяв його на руки, претулив до грудей і легко поніс до хати. (7) Ой ти ж молотнику мій, – шепотів стиха, і Василькові так гарно було на батьківських руках, натруджених і теплих, що пахли снопами.

(За І. Цюпою)

10. Позначте речення, у якому допущено орфографічну помилку.

11. Позначте речення з прямою мовою, яке відповідає схемі А: «П!»

Самостійно сформулюйте відповідь на завдання тест контролю української мови 12
12. Складіть діалог «Веселі канікули» (8-10 реплік) й запишіть його, правильно розставивши розділові знаки. Складені речення повинні мати різні конструкції: пряма мова уживатися і до, і після слів автора, слова автора посередині прямої мови.