Предмет: Физика, автор: dddd85dddd85dddd85

На сколько нагреется 10л воды, если получит всю энергию от сгорания 50г нефти? (Ответ выразите в ⁰С и округлите до целых) Удельная теплоемкость воды 4200Дж/(кг*⁰С), удельная теплота сгорания нефти 44МДж/кг. С РЕШЕНИЕМ ПОМЕЧУ КАК ЛУЧШИЙ


Автор ответа: ilyasid83


52 градуса


Формула удельной теплоемкости:

c=\frac{Q}{mt}. Выражаем Qнефти

Qнефти = 44000000*0.05=2200000

Выражаем tводы:


t=2200000/(4200*10)=52.38 градуса.

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Last Summer, air pollution in Paris reached dangerous (0) ... on six separate occasions. As a result, the government have recently decided that public transport in French cities will be (1) ... on days when pollution becomes a (2) ... to people's health, in a(n) (3) ... to encourage people to leave their cars at home. The Mayor of Paris said that he had several other ideas to reduce the pollution problem, such as free parking on the (4) ... of the city on hot, still days when exhaust fumes tend to accumulate. He has also (5) ... a $6 million plan for 56 km of bicycle tracks, new pedestrianised (6) ... and a new tram (7) ... for southern Paris. His most popular measure (8) ... becoming mayor last May has been to (9) ... traffic from several streets on Sundays. Every summer, air quality is at its (10) ... in Paris during holiday weekends, especially one weekend in July when the (11) ... of the population leave by car for their summer holidays. (12) ... then improve for the summer, but deteriorate again when most residents return at the end of August. The free transport (13) ... is part of the response to a new environmental regulation which says that local authorities must guarantee (14) … air. If it is (15) … seriously, locals can look forward to a cleaner Paris in the future.

0 a) positions b) standards c) levels d) degrees с)
1 a) open b) loose c) off d) free
2 a) risk b) terror c) threat d) damage
3 a) try b) pursuit c) trial d) effort
4 a) outskirts b) areas c) suburbs d) provinces
5 a) exclaimed b) announced c) stated d) put in
6 a) rails b) zones c) crossings d) tracks
7 a) line b) lane c) series d) path
8 a) as b) from c) since d) while
9 a) discharge b) expel c) restrict d) ban
10 a) top b) limits c) full d) worst
11 a) lots b) majority c) most d) plenty
12 a) Occasions b) Opportunities c) Conditions d) Situations
13 a) measure b) action c) answer d) move
14 a) saved b) secure c) new d) safe
15 a) taken b) thought c) held d) formed
Предмет: Математика, автор: sunnata755