Предмет: Информатика, автор: Icarus1

1. Составить блок схему алгоритма и написать программу на языке программирования С++, вычисления корней квадратного уравнения, с проверкой вводимого значения а на ноль. Рассмотреть все возможные варианты решения.
2. Сделать описание программы.

3. Отчет оформить в документе WORD.

Квадратное уравнение — это уравнение вида ax2 + bx + c = 0, где коэффициенты a, b и c — произвольные числа, причем a ≠ 0.

все квадратные уравнения можно условно разделить на три класса:

1. Не имеют корней;

2. Имеют ровно один корень;

3. Имеют два различных корня.

Для определения количества корней квадратно уравнения нужно вычислить— дискриминант -D = b2 − 4ac.

Пусть дано квадратное уравнение ax2 + bx + c = 0. Тогда дискриминант — это просто число D = b2 − 4ac.

1. Если D 0, корней будет два.
2. Если D = 0, есть ровно один корень;
3. Если D > 0, корней будет два.

Аноним: мда, такие задачи решать это себя не уважать
Icarus1: почему?
Аноним: начни изучать какой нибудь язык и поймешь насколько это отвратительные задачи
Аноним: я тебе не могу это обьяснить


Автор ответа: Arkassssha

Код программы:

#include <iostream>

#include <locale>

using namespace std;

int main() {

setlocale(LC_ALL, "Russian");

double D, a, b, c, x1, x2;

cout<<"Введите коэффициент a" << endl;

cin >> a;

if (a == 0) {

 cout << "Ошибка ввода! Коэффициент a не должен равняться 0" << endl;

 return 0;


cout << "Введите коэффициент b" << endl;

cin >> b;

cout << "Введите коэффициент c" << endl;

cin >> c;

cout << "\nВаше уравнение: " << a << "x^(2) + " << b << "x + " << c << endl;

D = sqrt(b*b - 4 * a * c);

if (D >= 0) {

 if (D == 0) {

  x1 = (-b) / (2 * a);

  cout << "x1 = " << x1 << endl;


 else {

  x1 = (-b - D) / (2 * a);

  x2 = (-b + D) / (2 * a);

  cout << "x1 = " << x1 << endl;

  cout << "x2 = " << x2 << endl;




 cout << "\nУравнение не имеет корней (D < 0)" << endl;

return 0;


Icarus1: сможешь ещё 1 сделать?
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.. .I saw an endless pit in front of me. The thought of jumping over it — wearing a 45-pound backpack made my legs tremble.

"I thought this was supposed to be fun,"

I grumbled to myself. The trip had sounded great: a school-sponsored, nine-day hiking trip in Arizona with a group of students. I'd known beforehand that this trip wasn't going to be a walk in the park, but I had never expected this. It was raining, we got lost, and now I had to jump over the pit — and do so in the dark with a heavy pack!

I watched a few people jump and land on the other side, and decided I might as well do this. I got across fine, but then slipped and fell forward, and my face smashed into the knee of the person who had been trying to catch me. Blood spilled from my nose as I stood up.

At that time I was certain the trip could not get worse. I was nearly crying when we set up our tents that night. As I lay in my tent, all I could think about was how miserable I felt. "Want to talk?" asked Lori, the girl I shared the tent with. "No, I'm trying to sleep," I replied. Talking to anyone else was the last thing I wanted to do.

The next day I felt exhausted. As I looked up at the clear blue sky, though, I thought, "Maybe
this won't be so bad after all." But when we started hiking after breakfast, the sky changed color and turned dull gray. Then it began to drizzle. As I started putting my rain gear on, the light drizzle became a downpour. I was soon soaked to the skin, and I was getting colder and colder. We were hiking in a blinding blizzard. It had become so thick by the time we stopped that it was impossible to see even the mountains around us. All we had was a compass to guide us.

My whole body was in pain. I was putting on all my dry clothes when my tent mate,

Lori, crawled in. I looked at her and saw the same pain and fear in her eyes that I had been feeling. I realized how self-centered I had been: I wasn't the only one here who was feeling the freezing wind and the aching muscles.

Lori's sleeping bag had got soaked through, so we decided to try to squeeze both of us into mine. We got in fine. The trouble came when we tried to zip it up. As soon as we got the zipper up to our waists, we would think about how funny this looked and we'd start laughing Of course, this made the zipper go all the way down to our toes. We would have to start the whole thing over again, but I didn't care. I was laughing. No, we were laughing together.