Предмет: География, автор: malinkaaa1131

Які зміни відбулися на політичній карті світу на початку ХХІ ст.? Як вони вплинули на Україну?допоможіть будь ласка ​


Автор ответа: alinabruchok
Формування політичної карти світу налічує декілька тисячоліть. У цьому процесі визначають чотири етапи: стародавній, середньовічний, новий і новітній.
Стародавній етап (V тис. до н. е. - V ст. н.е.) пов'язаний з виникненням, розквітом і крахом перших державних утворень - двох основних форм державного ладу: монархій (Стародавній Єгипет, Ассирія, Вавилон, Перська держава) і республік (міста-держави Фінікії, Греції, Стародавній Рим). Саме з них розпочався політико-територіальний поділ географічного простору.
Середньовічний етап (V-ХV ст.) супроводжувався територіальними захопленнями земель великими феодальними державами, внаслідок чого політична карта була вкрай роздрібненою та нестійкою. У цей період існували такі могутні держави, як Священна Римська імперія, Візантія, Англія, Португалія, Київська Русь.
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: nkhokhlova0701
1. Переведите текст
Why is Laughter Contagious?
June 2012 - Why does one person pick up another's emotions so easily? It seems that human emotions are highly contagious. For example, one person's laughter is soon shared by another's. The explanation is that strong emotions synchronize the brain activity of different individuals according to research by Finland's Aalto University and Turku PET Centre research published in the Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences
Seeing emotional expressions such as smiles and laughter in someone else often triggers a corresponding emotional response in the watcher. This may be a basic element of social interation: synchronyzing a common emotional state in all members of a group whose brains process what they see of the environment around themin a similar fashion.
The Finnish researchers measured brain activity with functional magnetic resonance imaging while participants were looking at short pleasant, neutral and unpleasant movies.The researchers found that strong and unpleasant emotions synchronized participants brains’ emotion processing networks in the frontal and midline regions while highly arousing movies synchronized activity in brain networks supporting vision, attention and sense of touch.
According to Adjunct Professor Lauri Nummenmaa from Aalto University:
"Sharing others’ emotional states provides the observers a somatosensory and neural framework that facilitates understanding others’ intentions and actions and allows to ‘tune in’ or ‘sync’ with them. Such automatic tuning facilitates social interaction and group processes.
"The results have major implications for current neural models of human emotions and group behaviour, but also deepen our understanding of mental disorders involving abnormal socioemotional processing.
Contagious Laughter
The new study can be compared with with one by researchers at University College (UCL) and Imperial College London published in the Journal of Neuroscience in 2007 showed a possible mechanism for contagious laughter. Positive sounds like laughter trigger a response in the area of the listener's brain activated when we smile, as though preparing facial muscles to laugh.
In an example given in the media release:
"Cricket commentator Jonathan Agnew's description of Ian Botham's freak dismissal, falling over his own stumps 'he couldn't quite get his leg over' was all it took to send himself and the late Brian Johnston into paroxysms of laughter."
Dr Sophie Scott, senior research fellow at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience said:
"It seems that it's absolutely true that 'laugh and the whole world laughs with you'. We've known for some time now that when we are talking to someone, we often mirror their behaviour, copying the words they use and mimicking their gestures. Now we've shown that the same appears to apply to laughter, too - at least at the level of the brain."