1. Переформулируйте и напишите национальность и название соответствующего ей языка.
*цифры в скобках обозначают количество языков, на которых говорят в этой стране.
Пример: Helen is from Great Britain. – She is British. She speaks British/English (he, she, it).
1. You are from England.
2. Marti is from the USA.
3. My friend is from Spain.
4. We are from France.
5. She is from the Netherlands.
6. I am from Canada. (2)
7. My mother is from Australia.
9. That boy is from Hungary. 10.
The girls are from Denmark.
11. We are from Ireland.
12. My brothers are from Portugal.
13. Our grandparents are from Sweden.
14. Her sister is from Norway.
15. His stepmother is from China.
16. Your best friend is from Korea.
17. Her husband is from Japan.
18. My wife is from Switzerland. (3)
19. His nephew is from Turkey.
20. Her nieces are from Argentina.
21. My mother and father are from the Czech Republic.
22. Carla is from India.
23. We are from Scotland.
24. She is from Mexico.
25. My grandmother and grandfather are from Germany.
26. Our aunt is from Poland.
27. My uncle is from Italy.
28. Her half-brother is from Brazil.
29. Your sister-in-law is from Finland.
30. His grandsons are from Austria.
31. Our great-grandparents are from Greece.
уххх, ок
1) I am English. I speak English
2) Marti is American. Marti speak English/American (выбирай любой вариант)
3) Your friend is Spanish. She/He speak Spanish
вот пару примеров а дальше я просто напишу слова
4) French
5) Netherland people, English
6) Canadian, English
7) Australian, English
9) Hugary people, English
10) Denmark people, English
11) Irish, Irish
12) Portuguese
13) Swedish, English
14) Norwegian, English ( не уверенна 2)
15) Chinese
16) Korean
17) Japanese
18) Switzerland people, English
19) Turkish
20) Argentine, English
21) Czech people, язык не знаю
22) Indian, English
23) Scottish, English
24) Mexican, язык не знаю
25) German
26) Polish
27) Italian
28) Brazilian
29) Finlandian, English
30) Austrian, English
31) Greece people, English