Напишите пожалуйста краткий пересказ фильма «Матильда»
10-12 предложений
The movie Matilda, directed by Danny DeVito and based on the much-loved children’s novel by Roald Dahl, tells the story of the problems faced by a little girl, Matilda, and how she overcomes them. In the film, she has to deal with various ‘baddie’ characters who make life difficult for her. Characters like the principal (Miss Trunchbull) and the parents (the Wormwoods) are presented in in the film as very negative and nasty people. On the other hand, ‘goodie’ characters like Matilda’s teacher (Miss Honey) and Matilda’s friend (Lavender) are presented more positively. The director uses many different film techniques (like camera angles and costuming) to make these things obvious and, in the process, creates a very entertaining and enjoyable film.