4 ACTIVATE Follow the instructions and create
your own wiki.
1 Think of four interesting facts about one of
the topics in the box. Then write a short text
(wiki) about the topic.
your school an online game a celebrity
a social networking site the internet
a TV programme
2 Exchange your wiki with a partner.
3 Read the wiki and make two changes.
Remember you can add, delete, or edit facts.
4 Exchange your wikis again. Read your wiki
and check that the language is correct.
interesting facts online game
1.Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of Super Mario Bros. and Donkey Kong, is not allowed to bike to work because his safety is too important to Nintendo.
2. During the production of Goldeneye 007, developers considered having players unplug and reinsert the N64 rumble pack every time they wanted to reload their weapon.
3. The Nintendo character Kirby was named after John Kirby, the legal counsel for Nintendo who helped them win their lawsuit with Universal Studios in 1982. John Kirby was gifted a sailboat Christened the “Donkey Kong” and given exclusive rights to name any boat he owned “Donkey Kong.”
4. Ghostbusters: The Video Game (2009) has voice acting from all four of the original cast members (Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, Ernie Hudson), who helped write the script as well. Aykroyd considers it "essentially the third movie".