ACTIVATE Follow the instructions and create
your own wiki.
1 Think of four interesting facts about one of
the topics in the box. Then write a short text
(wiki) about the topic.
your school
an online game a celebrity
a social networking site the internet
a TV programme
2 Exchange your wiki with a partner.
3 Read the wiki and make two changes.
Remember you can add, delete, or edit facts.
4 Exchange your wikis again. Read your wiki
and check that the language is correct. Сделайте пожалуйста срочно!!!! (Мне перевод не нужен)
interesting facts online game
1.PETA had a problem with the whaling segment of Assassins Creed: Black Flag. Ubisoft dismissed it saying they did not condone whaling any more than they condoned a pirate lifestyle.
2.A 'Red Shirt Guy' (Ian Bates) stumped a panel of World Of Warcraft developers during a Q&A at BlizzCon 2010 by asking them about an inconsistency in the lore. Later, an NPC was introduced into the game who wore a bright red shirt and was named Wildhammer Fact Checker.
3.Nintendo Power stopped accepting the many Tetris high scores submitted by Steve Wozniak. So he reversed his name, and Evets Kainzow was printed.
4.Grand Theft Auto was originally a racing game called Race'n'Chase, however, a glitch made the police cars go crazy, ramming the player. This glitch was so popular with testers that they rebuilt the game around it, creating GTA.