Предмет: Обществознание, автор: 123andfedorov

Главная ответственность Россиян


Автор ответа: danfedorkov


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Автор ответа: laradegtyaryova


Соблюдать Конституцию РФ и законы (ст. 15 ч. 2)

Уважать права и свободы других лиц (ст. 17 ч. 3)

Обязанность родителей заботиться о детях, их воспитании и обязанность совершеннолетних трудоспособных детей заботиться о своих нетрудоспособных родителях (ч. 2, 3 ст. 38)

Обязанность каждого получить основное общее образование и обязанность родителей или лиц, их заменяющих, обеспечить получение детьми образования данного уровня (ст. 43 ч. 4)

Заботиться о сохранении исторического и культурного наследия, беречь памятники истории и культуры (ст. 44 ч. 3)

Платить законно установленные налоги и сборы (ст. 57)

Сохранять природу и окружающую среду, бережно относиться к природным богатствам (ст. 58)

Обязанность граждан Российской Федерации защищать Отечество


Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: dianka0071
II. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:
They … a lot of useful contacts during their business trip to India.
made b. have made c. was making d. had made
We … completely satisfied as not all our requirements had been met.
didn’t be b. weren’t c. hadn’t been d. haven’t been
What … the managing director … you when you were in his office?
did; tell b. has; told c. had; told d. was; telling
He … to work at this time yesterday morning.
drove b. had driven c. was driving d. has been driving
Mrs. Smithson was furious. She … for her assistant for half an hour.
waited c. had waited
was waiting d. had been waiting
Mr. Wilson was preparing his presentation while his secretary … a report.
is typing c. was typing
has been typing d. had been typing
He … his grammar for two hours yesterday.
has been practising c. practised
was practising d. had been practising
I … about changing my present job for some time before I finally decided.
was thinking c. thought
had thought d. had been thinking
My boss was in despair. His documents … .
had disappeared c. have disappeared
disappeared d. were disappearing
After the Nickersons … the company, they … to make a lot of employees redundant.
bought; had started c. had bought; started
bought; started d. have bought; have started
We … a reliable firm, so we … Samsung.
were wanting; had chosen c. had wanted; chose
wanted; had chosen d. wanted; chose
I … the missing file while I … for some other documents.
found; was looking c. found; had looked
had found; looked d. was finding; was looking
Mr. Johnson … as an engineer for ten years before he … a supervisor.
works; has become c. worked; had become
had worked; became d. has been working; became
By that time she … any more explanation, she … everything.
hasn’t needed; understood c. didn’t need; understood
hadn’t needed; had understood d. didn’t need; had understood
When I met him last week, it was the first time we … each other since we … from the university.
have seen; graduated c. saw; had graduated
had seen; graduated d. didn’t see; had graduated