Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Vaihek

Назовите пропущенный в тексте фразеологизм. Сформируйте его значение в современном русском языке. В каком стиле он употребляется?

Историей своего происхождения данный фразеологизм обязан царю Алексею Михайловичу, отцу Петра Первого. Алексей Михайлович, прозванный «Тишайшим», приказал устанавливать вдоль дорог столбы, обозначавшие расстояние в верстах (столбы эти назывались или «версты», или «верстовые столбы»), ведь в то время на Руси было принято в зимнее время, когда снег заметал дорогу, вдоль нее ставить вехи — шесты с пучком соломы, чтобы путник не сбился с дороги. Так что решение царя было новшеством, своего рода революцией в дорожном строительстве. Ну а о дороге, ведущей из Кремля в Коломенское царь позаботился особо: ее подсыпали, положили гати, построили мосты и столбы установили более высокие (в две сажени с орлами сверху), чем везде. Так появился фразеологизм…


Автор ответа: asksana931


Фразеологизм "Верста коломенская". В современном значении данный фрзеологизм подразумевает непривычно высокого человека.

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The good points? Well, there are so many. People are gentle, on the whole. I mean the people I mix with -1 deal with. No I don't find much to criticise. I mean if I criticise, it's in a very nice way.
I first came here in 1947 to stay with friends in Yorkshire and I stayed there for six months, and as I always wanted to become a nurse, I applied to St Thomas's Hospital in London, where I was accepted. I did my nursing training, which I finished in 1952. You see?
Except perhaps certain aspects of food. You know, after living in Brussels for fourteen years, when one had such a choice of everything, it's sometimes difficult. But it's such a small thing, you know, mind over matter, and it really, it doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter. You know, it's lovely living here.
Well, the Brits are a strange race, but oh, no. There's something marvellous about Britain. Really, yes. Even now things are changing all the time. But I don't say that just because I'm a foreigner. People are very kind on the whole. I mean this is Wales and this is different. North Wales is different from South Wales. But there is a quality of life. Definitely. I love Britain. Really, I love everything about it.
So. But people are very kind on the whole. Of course you see I am -I mean, we are retired. My husband took an early retirement and perhaps if we were younger ... I forgot, I forget what it was like perhaps. But people have always been very kind and tolerant, much more tolerant than the French, I think. That's why I get so irritated. For instance the other day I saw on television some, I think they were Pakistani people, parents, in the Midlands somewhere. They wanted, if I heard right, they wanted a teacher to teach their children in their own language. Well, this is Britain, surely. You must do, you know, and live ... In Rome, do as the Romans do, surely. You can't just have your own way all the time, can you?
Предмет: Математика, автор: makovie345