Предмет: Литература, автор: IlgizE

Кто из одноклассников пристрасил Тёму к чтению книг
Вахнов,Яковлев,или Иванов пжжжж​


Автор ответа: nelcan2017


Одноклассник Иванов очень быстро заинтересовал Тёму своими увлекательными пересказами книг, о которых тот даже не слышал. Это увлечение и заставило Тёму начать читать книги, что очень скоро стало для него одним из любимых занятий.

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Most Americans start to school at the age of
five when they en­ter kindergarten. Children do not really study at this time.
They only attend for half the day and learn what school is like. Children
attend elementary school for next six years. They learn to read and write and
work with numbers. They also study the world and its people. After they leave
elementary school, children go to junior high school for three years and senior
high school for another three years. This is called secondary education. In
some places the chil­dren go to elementary school for eight years and high
school for four. At any rate, elementary and secondary education together take
twelve years to complete excluding kindergarten.

In their secondary schooling children get more
advanced knowledge and begin to concentrate on their special interests. They
usually study further in history, geography, government and Eng­lish language
and literature.

They may choose to study foreign languages,
advanced mathe­matics or science, such as physics or chemistry. Students who
plan to go on to college or professional training must take some of these
courses in order to enter college. Other students who do not intend to go on
with school may take classes in accounting or typing or other subjects that
will help them in the business world. Some se­nior high schools are vocational.
Boys may learn to operate ma­chines or do other work. Girls may learn cooking,
sewing or office work. High schools have athletic teams which play against
teams from other schools. Many boys enjoy playing football, basketball or
baseball. These games take place after school hours. Girls are given physical
education too, but they do not usually play teams from an­other schools.

In the most places in the US children
must attend school until they are sixteen, or until they finish high school,
usually at the age of seventeen or eighteen. Some children who are not good
students drop out of school at the age of sixteen. This is a growing problem,
for it is harder and harder for people to find work when they have not finished
their high school education.

Public schools are free for all boys and girls,
but some parents prefer to send their children to private schools. Some private
schools are connected with churches and children receive religious instruction as well as their regular studies. Other
private schools are not religious, but have small classes and very good
teachers so that the parents think their children will get a better education
there than in the larger classes of the public schools. The private schools do
not receive any tax money, so most of them must charge the stu­dents several
hundred dollars a year to pay for the cost of the school. Boys and girls attend
the public schools together, but many private schools are for girls only or for
boys only.
Предмет: Математика, автор: FyFka789