Сочинение на тему "добрый герой" его положительные стороны и т.д
Мой любимый герой добрый герой Дятел ВУДИ!
Он всегда счастливый и всем нравится!
Никто не сможет поднять тебе настроение так как он!
Но он очень надоедлив.Это единственный его минус.
My favorite hero of good character Woodpecker WOODY!
He is always happy and everyone likes it!
No one will be able to raise your mood as he!
But he is very надоедлив.Это its the only minus.
There are many good heroes. They are very brave and strong. They help another people,if they are in trouble. There is a good hero in each person. He say us to do good things, such as help our parents or old mans. We do good things every day and it is make us "a good hero". If everyone find their good hero, the world will be better. Let's do it!