Предмет: История, автор: saskeekk

помогите пожалуйста с вопросом, заранее спасибо.

Одним из международных последствий контрнаступления советских войск под Москвой стало…

А)Вступление в войну против СССР Финляндии

Б)Нападение Японии на СССР

В)Открытие второго фронта союзниками

Г)Подписание Декларации Объединенных наций


Автор ответа: dima1775


я думаю что Г сорри ести не правильно

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Помогите, кто хорошо разбирается в английском, пожалуйста. Задали текст про айфон.
В переводчике непонятно переводит, а мне нужно сказать из этого текста главную мысль. Я не понимаю.
How to grab a better iPhone deal
Apple's new iPhone 5 handset may be in the spotlight, but older smartphones and special tariffs can signal great value
If you don't want to pay the price demanded for the new iPhone 5, but still want to get your hands on an all-singing, all-dancing smartphone, you may be wondering how long it will take for the price of existing models to start coming down.

With Apple reporting more than 2m first-day pre-orders for the latest version of the handset, which went on sale in stores on Friday, savvy shoppers are already looking forward to snapping up a bargain older model at a discounted price. The good news is that the big phone networks have already started cutting the upfront cost of the usurped iPhone 4S as attention shifts to the new handset.

Seasoned industry analysts are predicting that the iPhone 4S will be available "free" to those signing two-year contracts at around £25 a month "within the next three to six months". Hold your nerve for at least six weeks and you should be rewarded with a much better deal: £25 a month is considered by some as the price at which many consumers who want a high-end big-name phone, but won't pay sky-high launch prices, can be lured back into the market.

"Prices for the older models are already coming down as retailers make room for the new Apple device, and if you are prepared to wait a bit, you will be rewarded with some great handsets at significantly lower prices," said uSwitch's technology analyst Ernest Doku.

Kate Murphy, mobile spokeswoman at MoneySupermarket, agrees that buyers who are happy to take an iPhone 4S will be in luck. "Orange, T-Mobile and Vodafone have already slashed the prices, with O2 and Three likely to follow suit. Two weeks ago someone looking for a £31 a month tariff with Orange for the 4S (16GB) would have needed to make an upfront payment of £169.99. Now it would cost just £49.99 on a 24-month contract."

Murphy warns that those hoping to resell a 4S to help with the cost of upgrading can expect less than they would have received before Apple launched the iPhone 5: "Just two weeks ago, recycling a 16GB 4S with Mazuma would have earned you £275. Now you will be offered more like £230. Owners of the 32GB model were getting £300 two weeks ago compared with £255 now."

To get an indication of how prices tumble, you only have to look at previous models. Apple has been remarkably successful at keeping the price of outgoing models high, but even the US giant is not immune to market economics. The iPhone 3GS, the hottest thing going in the summer of 2009, cost £96 to buy back then for someone taking on a mid-sized tariff costing £35 a month over 18 months. Until a few months ago that same smartphone could be had with an all-you-can-eat data package with no upfront fee on a £15 a month contact. Now it has all but been withdrawn.