Предмет: Українська мова, автор: k122see

Твір про видатну особистість з діалогами (дискусіями) 7-10 речень


Автор ответа: arinapazushkina


Ліна Костенко народилася 19 березня 1930 року в м. Рдищеві у сім'ї вчителів. В шість років вона щ родиною переїхала до Києва.

Її творчість-видатне явище в українській літературі, але їй прийшлося пережити 16-літнє мовчання, оскільки тодішня влада забороняла друкувати її твори, а вона виражала свою позицію відкрито "І не боюся донощика в трактирі, бо все кажу у вічі королю".

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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Alexandr32
Помогите перевести текст в косвенную речь на английском
A merry group of friends was sitting on the terrace of a restaurant. The table was laid for four: two men and two women. The group of friends was eating
fish and when dinner was finished one of the women said that very often diamonds and pearls were found inside fish. Everybody liked this topic, and they all remembered different stories about dinamonds and fish.
An old man who was sitting in the corner of the terrace came up to the group of friends. He said that he had heard their conversation and wanted to tell them a real story about fish. Everybody agreed, so the old man continued: "When I was a young man, I worked for a large importing company in New York. At that time I was in love with a pretty girl, and she told me that she loved me too. About two months before we got married I had to go to England. I left my girlfriend in New York and promised to write to her. She said that she'd wait for me. I had to stay in England longer than I'd planned, but finally i was ready to go back to New York. Just before my trip home, I had bought a very expensive diamond ring. It was a present for my future wife.
"On my way home to New York, I read in the morning paper that my girl was marrying another man. It made me so angry that I threw the ring into the sea."
"A few days later when I was in a restaurant in New York, fish was served. While I was eating it, I felt something hard in my mouth. What do you think it was?"
"The diamond ring!" cried the friends.
"No," said the old gentleman, "it was a fish bone."