Сделайте предложения вопросительными и отрицательными. Помогите, умоляю!!!!
1. Are you a teacher? 2. Is her younger sister a schoolgirl? 3. Are his parents at home? 4. Is my aunt in the library? 5. Do buses go down the street? 6. Is the hotel located in the city center? 7. Is my brother at the institute? 8. Is his father a miner? 9. Are they smart students? 10. Is the street narrow?
Рабираем предложение Are you a teacher? В переводе как Вы учитель? Оно уже поставлено в вопросительном предложении. Формируем отрицательное тоесть для отрицания используется don't
Пишем I don't a teacher что значит Я не учитель
Следующие Are his parents at home? Что в переводе Твои родители дома? Вспоминаем про don't только вместо этого пигем сокращение not Что значит будет My parents his not at home. В переводе Моих родителе нет дома. Дальше сам, если захочешь полностью пиши в лс
1. Aren't you a teacher?
2. Isn't her younger sister a schoolgirl?
3. Aren't his parents at home?
4. Isn't my aunt in the library?
5. Don't the buses go down the street?
6. Isn't the hotel located at the city center?
7. Isn't my brother at the institute?
8. Isn't his father a miner?
9. Aren't they smart students?
10. Isn't the street narrow?