Помогите пожалуйста с английским я спать очень хочу (если что то не видно говорите)

2) butcher.... who seels meat
3) musician... who plays a musical instrument
4) patient... who is ill in hospital
5) dentist... who takes care of your teeth
6) fool..... who does stupid things
7) genius.... who is very intelligent
8) a liar.... who doesn't tell the truth
2) The woman who opened the door was wearing a yellow dress
3) Most of the students who took the exam passed
4) The policeman who stopped our car wasn't very friendly
2) who 3) which 4) which 5) who 6) which 7) who 8) who 9) which
3) a machine which makes
4) ok
5) people who never stop
6) ok
7) ok
8) sentences which are wrong
9) a car which cost
Насчёт 6) по правилам грамматики там должно быть who, но в разговорной речи употребляют и that, так что в принципе предложение правильное.