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From the end of school, a person is obliged to take a very serious step - this is to choose a profession. A profession is a human activity, mental or physical. A person chooses a profession himself, regardless of the opinions of others. A person chooses the profession that he likes, that he likes. Also, you need to have skills, both physical and moral, so that it is easy to work in this profession. There is a very good saying: "You won't sew - you won't become a tailor." The meaning of this saying is that if you don't try to do something for the sake of your future, then nothing will come of it in the future. If you like your profession, you will happily get up in the morning and work on your new achievements and skills, but if, on the contrary, and you do not like your profession, you will be lazy and do not want to work, then your work will not bring you neither joy nor material prosperity.
I choose a profession that will be very exciting and very interesting. I want to communicate with people, help them. Firstly, I have to try and get enough knowledge to enter and study in my future profession. Secondly, I must understand that when choosing a profession, I need to choose what I want to do in life and love my job. Thirdly, at my work, I have to benefit not only myself, but also those that surround me, society. I will choose a profession that I like, and not wait for a vacation every day, but work with pleasure!